Brand and Messaging

Branding goes hand in hand with messaging since each reflects on the other. Brands with a certain cachet do not discuss discounting, while others may give over-the-top pitches just to gain a trial. ADM has expertise in developing messaging that reflects customers’ brands and what they are trying to accomplish.


(informal messaging)

Reminders, announcements.


(informal messaging)

Products and service explanations.


(formal messaging)

Solicitations, explanations, sales letters.


(formal messaging)

Trial items, gifts, introductions.

Effective Direct Mail Marketing Requires a
Message that Supports the Brand

Brand Matters

It’s important to consider your brand image when planning direct marketing. Is your brand subtle and refined or brash? Do you sell on exclusivity or volume? These are the questions we ask during every phase of our clients’ direct mail campaign.

Messaging Matters

The direct marketing services provided by ADM goes beyond creating mail pieces that turn prospects into customers. We want to develop direct mail campaigns that win over the types of prospects that will become long-term customers with loyalty to the brand.